or; i stupidly rant about youtube captions
i wrote this after realising apparently i care about some stuff, and this page seems cooler than a twitter thread
ooh wow! im sure glad this video has manually written subtitles!! (as indicated by the multiple Subtitles indicators.).....
it should say "(cut off) million dollars, we acquired seven hundred thousand floppy disks! Look how glorious this stack is, it's so tall! - I don't ..."
like, what the hell!? 6.4 million subscribers and you can't afford to pay someone to write subtitles?? but oh you want that fancy little subtitles indicator (and possible boost by the algorithm) so you auto-generate it?? why!??!?!
buy some damn subtitles!!!!!!!
Video. Click to view
im back to complaining:
This Guy is Literally TOO GOOD at Speedrunning - YouTube
okay, what??
this is the first line of the video!! it should read "This is Niftski. He's currently doing a speedrun of the original Super Mario Brothers..." BUT! this video doesnt have auto-generated subtitles??
t doesn't display like autogenerated subs (which are one word at a time, as each is spoken). so is this something youtubes doing? possibly!! but, you can actually delete auto-generated subtitles from your video, and download the autogenerated subtitles to reupload, so like is that what the creator is doing???
this annoys me to no end!
it seems to be a thing on all of Kosmic's videos, but differently on different videos..
their most recent 3 videos subs are generated, but using a normal style, but then this video's subs style is very messed up, most likely done by the creator. the videos before that are the same as the first 3. why.
It's not even like I need subtitles, but they definitely help me follow along with a video, and it's incredibly distracting when they're so incorrect.
Caption+ by JS* is awesome, it's what Tom Scott and Jet Lag uses, i really like their style (ie. good subtitles practice, lol)